Tag Archives: bird cage

Free as a bird …


For almost a year before I finally had a chance to create it, I was obsessed with the idea of having a wall dedicated to three empty birdcages. I was egged on even more each time I window-shopped my local Anthropologie store. Originally, I wanted to paste birdcage decal stickers from Etsy on the wall, but I was nervous about eventually removing them and leaving a replica stain left in its place. Instead, I decided to go the cleaner and cheaper route and make them myself.

I recycled these canvases (meaning, I repainted them white) and painted the graphic birdcages on them, using the designs of the decal’s from Esty as a guide. For the chain, I nailed black ribbon for a clean straight line from the cage to the ceiling.

To complete the theme, I have seven colorful cagefree birds flittering around my guestroom. Most of the pop art birds are in flight, while a few are standing (to change it up a bit). For the birds, I scoured the web for a bird graphic that I liked and recreated it seven times on small individual white canvases. Adding to the Anthropologie-feel and to give the birds more depth and personality, I sewed funky wallpaper samples on their bellies and hand-stitched colorful thread around them.

For a HOW TO, scroll below the pictures.

Check out more of my art.

DIY: How to make your own Anthropologie-esque birdcages:

You’ll need:
1. Three larger canvases
2. Seven smaller canvases (I used a 5×5 canvas for the birds.)
3. Acrylic paint
4. Paint brushes
5. Fabric or wallpaper scraps
6. Needle and needle point thread
7. Search the web for bird and birdcage designs that inspire you
8. Pencil (and eraser)
9. Ruler

Instructions for the birdcages:
1. Paint the canvases white.
2. Print your birdcage inspirations in the largest format possible.
3. Use a ruler and a pencil to sketch the designs on the canvas. (Go slow with this part, making sure everything is even and symmetrical.)
4. Paint the birdcages black.

Instructions for the birds:
1. Paint the canvases white.
2. Print your bird inspiration in the size of your canvas.
3. Cut out the graphic and trace it on the canvas.
4. Paint the birds whatever color you like.
5. Cut out the fabric or wallpaper scrap the size needed for the bird.
6. Glue it on the bird.
7. Using needlepoint thread, loosely stitch the outline of the bird and the fabric/wall paper.