Tag Archives: japanimation cupcakes

Creative cupcakes ideas …


To help ease my daily 4:30 sugar craving, I started to research fancy cupcakes yesterday afternoon. (To be honest, I’m not sure if it helped the sugar craving or made it worse.)

I have to admit, I’m not a good cupcake decorator. I’ve tried and whenever I do brave the task, I smear frosting all over the table and all over my hands. It’s a mess – both on and off the cupcake. So, when I saw these, I was truly impressed. It takes a lot of talent to make them look so pretty (and to taste so good. Mmmm!)

Although I didn’t make these cupcakes, I did make these art pieces, check them out. They rock!

Art project: colorful recycled magazine shadowbox art …

Bird paintings

Photo collage

Dripping with circles painting

Garden signs

Chakra art

Kevin’s wedding present painting

Chic seashell art

Happy thoughts