Tag Archives: recycled magazine with art

Art project: colorful recycled magazine shadowbox art …


A few months ago, I saw a similar art piece on Etsy.com and fell in love with it. Since creating art is a passion of mine, I decided recreated some myself this weekend. Check it out.

I used:
3 white shadow boxes (I bought them from Ikea for $10 each)
old magazines
straight edge paper cutter
9 pieces of heavy card stock paper

Here is how I did it …
1. I browsed through my old magazines and ripped pages (mostly ads) that had pages with larger color-blocked sections.
2. With my paper cutter, which I just bought at Michaels for $6 (I love their 40% coupons), I cut the pages into even strips.
3. Cut the card stock to fit the dimensions of the shadowbox.
4. Glued the magazine strips onto the card stock.
5. I drew designs onto the card stock and cut them out.
6. I placed front card stock piece and then stacked the other piece behind it and then arranged the colored piece in the back.


(Next step: hanging them up!)

See more of my art:
Bird paintings

Photo collage

Dripping with circles painting

Garden signs

Chakra art

Kevin’s wedding present painting

Chic seashell art

Happy thoughts